Itulah panggilan yg paling aku rindu sgt2..... uhuhu...
05 february is around d corner kn?? 2 hr lg nk reach dat day.....
n it will going to be the memorable day ever because it was my late mother beday, SITI ROHANI BT ABD RAHMAN...
Even though ur not by our side anymore, we still luv n miss u so much..
the feeling of luving u can't be compared to anything in dis world....
smalam, ak dapt kol dr ayah ak, yg panggilannya 'BAK".... smetimes, kwn2 ak ter'salah' tafsir perkataan BAK tu...
coz dyeorg ingat BAD.... bdk klas ak..... ahaha..... watever la... yg pnting, BAK bukan BAD.... ehehe....
dye ingtkn ak yg 05 feb ni, hr pe...... ak betul2 trharu......
eventhough mak ak da lme da xdek, setiap peristiwa dalm hidup bapak ak yg berkait ngn MAK, dye xkn lupekn.....
even, he still single skang,....... nk buat cmne, nk suh cr len, dye xnk... ehehe... so, ikutlah.,...
ape2 kputusan bapak ak, ak turut je, coz I LOVE HIM so much.........
So, lpas dpt kol dr BAk, ak pon edit le gmbar kat atas tu,...
ehehe.. simple je, tpi nk buat tu, mcm2 knangn yg mengimbau kt dalam kpale ni.. ehehe..
tpi watever it is, qada' n qadar ALLAH kite kne trime...
n setiap pe yg berlaku, pasti ad hikmahnya..... betul x????
ni adalh gambar ayah ak.... MOHD SAID B. NANG....
luv him so much.................
BAK n MAK, trimelah pluk cium K.long, K.ngah n Adeq walaupun kite duk jauh... Watever it is, u both r always in our heart.....
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