
KEPEKATAN MALAM.. (no specific entry) hehe

Alahai, terbantut lagi study aku... haha... xpe, kejap je kot...

smbil2 duk blogwalking sikit2 td, ak terjumpa ler cik epal, the famous blogger kot yg sgt2 sempoi n santai.... da lme da ak x bce blog cik epal ni coz last ak bukak hr tu pon, cik epal privatekn dye nyer blog, waktu tu, xdek kekuatan lg nk meng'follow' cik epal ni.. hehe.. segan, sape la aku erk?? hehe.. tpi skang da follow, bru jap td....
sebenarnyer, ak jmpe cik epal ni waktu duk bce komen2 people kt blog uncleseeker. hehe... silent reader je, tpi skang da x silent da, da bocor rahsia.. hehe.. watever la erk....

p/s ; nk ckp tu jer sebenonyer.. hehe.. bye2 n nite to all...

td ingt nk join contest, tpi rse mcm x layak je kot.. hihi..

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