

Salam kengkawan, 

wlaupon agak terlewat, aku ttap gak nak wish GUD LUCK tuk semua yang sdg menduduki peperiksaan akhir SEMESTER...

Aku ad lagi 2 papers... physical chemistry n inorganic II.... takut...

1st paper, animal physiology, fuhhhhh.. memng dugaan....
soalan yang xleh dilupa, what happened if adrenal gland has been removed from a rat???? hoho.. jawab2.... kawan ak jwb MATI,... haha.. Aku jawb, RAT hidup dengan gembiranya coz x STRESS.. haha... nonsense btul.. walau pape pon... chill... hehe...

So, to ALL, jom struggle tuk next paper...... paper yg dah lpas, kite lupakan.. hehe.. 

tp jgn jdi mcm dye.. kesian... huhu

source : mr google

p/s : prktikal day is around the corner... cuakssssssssss..

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