
some information on leptospirosis

leptospirosis or mostly known as 'virus air kencing tikus' is an acute disease that not only can be found in rodents like rat, but it also can be found in dogs, cattle, pigs and horses. The disease occurs more commonly in tropical countries, and man is invariably infected from animal sources. Human leptospirosis was recognised in Europe in the 1880s but the causative organisms called leptospires were first grown in Japan in 1914. Human infection can range from a mild influenza-like illness to meningitis or kidney failure. In those cases where jaundice occurs, the illness is known as Weil's disease.

This viruses have different name in every different host such as in rodents like rats, they name as Leptospira icterohaemorrhagiae, while in cattle, they called as Leptospira hardjo. Leptospires can survive in moist conditions outside the host for many days or even weeks. However, they are readily killed by drying, exposure to detergents, disinfectants, heating to 50 degree Celcius for five minutes and they only survive for a few hours in salt water.

Human infection is more common in men than women. An incubation period of 7 to 12 days is usual. Most cases present with an influenza-like illness which resolves in two to three weeks. Common features are sudden onset of fever, intense headache, severe pains in calf and back muscles, red eyes and prostration. Some cases develop abdominal pains with diarrhoea and vomiting or meningitis. Only a few cases develop severe leptospirosis with jaundice and kidney failure, but of these 10-15% may die. A fatal outcome is virtually unknown in patients in whom jaundice is not a feature.

how do it spread??

this virus spreaded through the urine of some wild animals such as stated obove and mostly in rodents. this viruses can be infected to human being through several ways like their urines, animal bites, handling infected animal tissues or swallowing contaminated food or water. but it is rare to be found that it is infected from human to human.. and this kind of case still undiscovered. The bacteria enter through skin abrasions or through the eyes, nose and mouth.

Preventative measures

Simple precautions can significantly reduce the risk. Immunisation of cattle will reduce the excretion of leptospires in their urine. The rat population needs to be reduced, with destruction of their habitats and rat proofing buildings. Those at risk should cover all cuts with waterproof plasters and wear protective clothing or other materials. Immersion in natural waters such as rivers, lakes and canals should be avoided, and individuals should wear footwear and wash or shower after canoeing, windsurfing or swimming. It is sensible for those in risk groups to carry 'warning cards' to show their doctor if they become ill. the most important thing is not to drink directly from a can cause it may be contain those animals urine on top of it. or else you may be can use straw or any other methods, but not directly drinking it.


1- In Malaysia

* UPSI student- latest case
she is going to enter new session in UPSI this coming semester after having a long break from the disease by that virus. her hands and legs had been cut due to the seriousness and the dangerous of the viruses that may kill her if it is spreaded more and more to the other part of her body... let wish for her best in the future and happy always no matter happened....

* i'm not sure the person is, but i already wrote in the previous entry about this people who died from this disease after the infection occurs. Before he was confirmed with this virus infection, he had been diagnosed with other disease that seriuosly cause by the spreading of the viruses in the body, it attack the human internal organs and cause bad injuries.

* this case happened to one of the tourist that came to Malaysia. 51-year-old man that developed fever , chills, headache, diarrhea, vomiting and malaise on June 24, about two weeks after visiting Malaysia.

Overseas outbreaks of leptospirosis are usually related to occupational or recreational water exposures, such as water contaminated with urine of infected animals

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